Friday, June 18, 2010

Circle of Free Unitarian Universalists at GA next week!

I haven't been writing blog posts for a while since I've been working on other projects (namely, working full time for the census - but now that I'm done with that... phew!). It's time I shared some excitement about what's going on next week in Minneapolis.

UU General Assembly is next week, and we've got a sweet space in the exhibit hall for the Circle of Free Unitarian Universalists and the Lighthouse Project. I'll be there staffing the booth the whole week. I'm planning to have mailbags available for people to share mail (just like we would in a conference community setting), some inflatable couches for folks to relax and share conversation on, and its looking like I'll be doing some live silk screening in the space as well. T-shirts! In addition, we'll have a photo exhibit of different models of young adult community from different faith traditions, and some brochures promoting the idea of the Lighthouse and the ecstatic tradition. I have a feeling it's gonna be a rockin' space.

If you are headed to GA, I could definitely welcome a couple more volunteers to help me with the booth, though I am sure I could pick some folks up in person as well.

Thanks to everyone who has helped make this happen, and I'm looking forward to seeing folks next week!