Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Introducing MUUYAN.

I was just invited to the facebook group for MUUYAN: The Mitten's UU Young Adult Network. Via their website:

“The most radical thing we can do, is introduce people to one another.” ~Anonymous

The Mitten UU Young Adult Network is dedicated to bringing together UU Young Adults, working with UU Congregations, and young adult and multi-generational event planning, in the Lower Penninsula of Michigan.

We were created in April 2010 at the First UU Congregation of Detroit.

Everybody lets offer a big high five to our folks from Michigan!

Monday, April 12, 2010

GA Open Space Planning Call - Friday April 16 @ 6 PM.

Those of us who are heading to GA in June are holding our first
collective GA planning call this Friday, April 16th, at 6 PM. In the
interest of keeping the planning process for our exhibit hall booth as
much of an open and collective effort as possible, I would like to
extend the invite to that call to all of you. We will have open space
to discuss FUUN as an organization and what we as a community want to
represent ourselves as in Minneapolis. You don't need to be coming to
GA to participate.

Please RSVP to me at for call info if you would like to be on the
call. I will send out the agenda later in the week as we develop it.